We know the different management styles that exist in both the United States and Asia. The individualistic outlook in the US to a more hierarchical society in Asia. But what are common traits that leaders exhibit, no matter where they come from? At naisA Global, our interests lie in comparing both Western and Eastern leadership styles
The racial and ethnic makeup of the United States is changing rapidly and Asians are the fastest-growing minority population in the United States. As a result, there is an increased representation of Asians in different United States job industries and sectors; about 50% of the Silicon Valley tech industry is Asian. Although Asians are the leading minority group in the tech industry, there is an underwhelming amount of Asians in executive positions, a phenomenon known as the sticky floor or bamboo ceiling. Only 13% of the tech sector has Asian executives and overall less than 2% of Fortune 500 companies have Asian leadership. Despite the lack of representation, this community […]
As recently as last year, a survey of corporate leaders showed workplace diversity wasn’t a priority. However, changes have happened quickly, and there are now a record number of corporations either starting diversity programs from the ground up, or tweaking the ones they have. “Diversity” has been a word tossed around in corporate culture for a while, but leaders are finally making their actions match their words. Keep reading to get the details. Starbucks Employees No Longer Have to Hide Tattoos Many people use tattoos as a way to display their individuality. However, up until last fall, Starbucks’ customer-facing employees had to keep their tattoos concealed under clothing. Now, tattoos […]
If you have not yet had the chance to check out the #NotTheSame campaign among social media outlets, you should. Initiated by the Asian and Pacific Islander American Scholarship Fund (APIASF), this campaign aims to challenge and undermine the “model minority” stereotypes of Asian American Pacific Islanders (AAPI) as successful individuals expected to reach prestigious heights in academia and in their careers, a myth that in turn relies on stereotypes about Asian cultures. The reality is that Asian American youth face systemic barriers in society due to a wide range of stereotypes. These stereotypes, often faced while navigating through academia and workforce, might differ in many ways from other minority […]
Rapid economic growth in Asia is creating more opportunities for women, yet they are still underrepresented in senior roles. Similar to the deficit of Asian leaders in the West, women are twice as least likely to be in senior roles such as CFO or CEO. The pattern is constant across business despite an increase in qualified women in recent years. Again, this can be considered against a pattern in the US where there is a clear disproportion between the potential of higher performing Asian Americans in academia and entrepreneurship, and their representation in roles of leadership within large corporations, universities, and government. The benefits of having more women in senior […]
As recent graduates and young professionals are on their job hunt, they are trying to build their credibility as we spoke about in our August post of “Gaining Credibility as a Young Professional”. They are also meticulously perfecting their resume. In this day and age, what job applicant does not have a resume? There are various ways to have your resume stand out above everyone else. Some say the more you have written on your resume the better. Others say it’s the quality, not the quantity of your work experience. Whichever method one follows, a resume is necessary for job applicants and thanks to social media the way we are […]
This week, we take a step back from leadership to look at diversity in the workplace. According to the US Bureau of Labor Statistics, the total number employed in 2014 was over 146 million. However, not all 146 million workers in the US are going to be exactly the same. The difference between each employee is what makes a workplace diverse. The case for diversity has never been stronger, nor more widely accepted. In the workplace, diverse workforces are more innovative and, generally, more profitable. The sheer number and variety of efforts to achieve it are also at an all-time high. No serious observer thinks that these efforts will, or […]
Are you a young millennial getting ready to start in the workforce? Are you already there and struggling to rise to the top? Asians face many problems when climbing the business ladder of success. Why is this so? Asian millennials are just as competent as their white counterparts, but they are not represented in the leadership of many businesses and companies, especially in the tech world. This is what we call the bamboo ceiling. Did you know Asian Americans make up 50% of the tech industry? On one hand, this is great – Asians are heavily represented in the tech world. On the other hand, we aren’t seeing these Asians […]
Leadership, leadership, leadership! Last week, we talked about how crucial it is to be a real leader versus a “wannabe” leader. Society does make quite the emphasis on being a good leader and having great leadership qualities to pave the way for their followers. With this emphasis on leadership, U.S. universities, specifically business schools, have made it one of their goals to produce graduates with the leadership qualities to be able to climb ladders of success. However, with this focus on leadership, there is something they’re not teaching them, being a successful entrepreneur. That is what Ken Kuang, a member of naisA Global’s Board of Directors, addresses in his recent […]
Another day, another leadership blog post. Advice on best practices! Tips to get ahead of the competition! Learn ways to stand out! Take the Leadership Test! Are You Leadership Material? Do You Have What It Takes? But maybe first, it’s worth asking ourselves if we have taken enough time to ask why we want to become leaders in the first place. Is reaching the top of our field and occupying a leadership role the same thing? Umair Haque, in his article for the Harvard Business Review, argues that leadership is a lost art. He claims that currently there is little real leadership anywhere. Instead, he contends, the competitive pool is […]
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